"Wherever You Are Stand Tall"
Heber Valley Stake Camp, Heber UT
Mon. July 17 - Fri. July 21st

Follow Us on Facebook: South Weber Stake Y W Camp
Instagram: ywcamp2017

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Welcome to 2017 Stake Camp!

We are so excited for all of the amazing memories we get to make with you this year!

We are:
Molly Collings, Camp Director

Lisa Porter, Assistant Director.

The stake committee has worked so hard to make this the best camp possible.  
Take a minute to thank them if you see them!

First items of business:
Girls can earn money to supplement the $100 camp costs.
Fundraiser Activity Feb 13th after school at the church until 6pm.  

Other items:
Take a minute to read the Camp Guidelines

Take a minute to read the talk by Elder Pearson in the link to the right.  This talk is the basis for this year's camp theme.  

Be sure to follow the stake on Facebook or Instagram

Things to be planning for:
Heber camp only allows long pants and close toed shoes.  This is for the safety of all girls. 

The bunk beds do not have mattresses so you will need to bring your own foam or blow-up mattress no thicker than 4 inches.  

4th Years will need to have a hiking backpack for their overnighter.  It needs to be big enough to hold all of their equipment.  More details to follow.  

Please call us if you have any questions!

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